Machine Learning in Marketing
Daily Blog
With the rise of the internet 2.0 facilitated by companies such as facebook and instagram. Companies were able to grow massive followings on social media and drive tons of traffic to their websites. With traffic comes data, and with data comes the question of what to do with it and how to extrat meaningful business insights from it. With the rise of machine learning, much of this data that us to be considered not very useful can be used in machine learning models to create more accurate predictions about lead flow, forecasting and user aquisition just to name a few.
The challenges of Predictive Analytics in organic content marketing
Daily Blog
In the world of marketing there are many ways to detirmine your return on investment(ROI). This is something that every busniess wants to know and understand when they commit their resources to their marketing team. This becomes very difficult to measure though when money is directly spent on marketing efforts and even harder when there isn’t a good way to track the direct return on money spent on the investment.
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